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Administra el aprendizaje
y la enseñanza del IB con facilidad

Actualiza su programa del IB con unaplataforma de aprendizaje digital centrada en sus estudiantes. Qridi Core ayudaa optimizar la enseñanza para mejorar el aprendizaje y el bienestar

Qridi Sport Coaching App is all you need


Administra tu programa

Consigueun panorama completo de tu programa del IB con la plataforma integrada de QridiCore. Los datos de planificación y aprendizaje se mantienen automáticamente enun solo lugar.

Mejora la comunicación

Aprovecha los beneficios de un programa verdaderamente interdisciplinario con apoyo digital.

Más que un portafolio digital

Observa el impacto cuando tus estudiantes seapropian del aprendizaje. 

Analiza e informa

Profundiza tu comprensión de los procesos deaprendizaje de tus estudiantes con nuestro panel de datos en tiempo real. 


Ahorra tiempo y dinero

Desarrollo profesional

Un taller del Programa de la Escuela Primariaen vivo, todos los días de la semana. Reduce el tiempo de planificación ymejora los costos de inducción y capacitación.

Uso de recursos

Proporciona a tus estudiantes un aprendizajeautomatizado y personalizado sin altos costos. 

Aumenta el bienestar y el protagonismo 

Mapeo Curricular

Maneja los elementos del IB utilizandonuestros innovadores mapas de calor y herramientas de alineación.

Preparación para laevaluación del IB

Reúne y comparte pruebas sin dificultades. 

Protagonismo de las y los estudiantes

El aprendizaje está en manos de tusestudiantes por fin con el apoyo de tecnologías innovadoras para monitorear y motivar. 

Personaliza según tus necesidades

Resultados de aprendizaje

Aprovecha los contenidos proporcionados odesarrolla tus propios contenidos. Qridi Core está diseñado para adaptarse alas necesidades particulares de tus estudiantes. 

Requisitos locales

Implementa el currículum nacional junto a los programas del IB utilizando nuestras funciones avanzadas. 


delos profesores y coordinadores recomiendan Qridi Core a sus colegas.
Premiado por nuestro enfoque pedagógico.
Disponible en 8 idiomas diferentes.
Utilizado por los colegios del IB de todo el mundo.
Qridi is an awesome new way for me to stay organized. It is a combination of various other platforms I already used but all neatly in one place. It offers collaboration with my PYP students, other subject teachers and my PYP coordinator. Qridi is easier to use than some other IB planners I have done in the past. We all know as educators, time is essential. So anything to help me helps my class overall!

Lastly, the support and feedback at Qridi is exceptional! I can offer a suggestion and see my idea live in the following update or even faster. The team at Qridi knows me by name and cares about making my Grade 5 class successful. The IT team is quick to respond and offers multiple ways to provide support.  Qridi is becoming my all-in-one place for planning, homework, unit tasks and more!
- Ms. Amanda Mahaffey-Emotu, PYP Teacher, Grade 5, American School of Yaounde
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
Digital programs are an essential part of modern education helping us to take an innovative approach with students and the educational process. Our school has a strong focus on developing competences. We can analyse this data with the help of Qridi Core. We all enjoy Qridi's design and visual information. I believe that parents will be very happy with this tool as we begin to share with them as well.
- Greta Lukošiūtė, Deputy director for pre-primary and primary education
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
I have just started training with Qridi, but I have already seen the obvious benefits. It is a program allowing us to measure not only the students' academic knowledge but also their competences, which is relevant now. It allows all children to experience the joy of learning. What is more, it increases their motivation. It also facilitates curriculum planning.  It is nice to be able to collaborate with each other here and now, not only with the pupils in your class, but also with the teachers.  At the same time, I think, it will also make the teachers' work easier.
- Daiva Jankauskienė, Primary School Programme Manager and Teacher
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"Your model is thoughtful and helps teachers through the planning process by making it visible."
- Webinar attendee
Logo of Helsinki figure skating club
"You can easily monitor the hard skills as well as the soft ones."
- Native English Teacher, St. Pölten, Austria
Logo of the Finnish national ice hockey team
"This looks like something I really wish I'd had when I was struggling to balance all aspects of the PYP!"
- Teacher & Educational Therapist, UK
Logo of Helsinki football club
"Feedback to show how we as teachers and how our students might need to improve is powerful!"
- Webinar attendee, August 2022
Logo of Oulu region sports academy
"Working with teams that include members who are still quite new to the language of IB was again a reminder of how much reinforced clarity teachers need throughout the planning and reflection process. From what we have learnt so far, this new platform does seem to have this every step of the way, so I do hope we have the opportunity to see it realized in our local context."
-PYP Consultant, Spain
Logo of Kempele volleyball team
"As a teacher, I can see right away that this can help me."
- Webinar attendee, July 2022
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"Being a class teacher can feel lonely at times. Qridi Core's Life-ring feature provides almost immediate support from people who know what it's like to work in a classroom."
- PYP Grade 6 pilot teacher
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"Qridi Core's Tasks feature works perfectly for home learning assignments. Everything is in one place and includes all of the PYP elements."
- Grade 1 pilot teacher
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"We are using Qridi Core's Journal feature for our PYP Exhibition this year, and it's working brilliantly for planning, learning, and reflecting! Plus, our PYP coordinator can easily follow our journey."
- PYP Grade 6 pilot teacher
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"The way that the Unit of Inquiry's Central Idea is brought forward to each learning engagement breaks the inquiry into manageable chunks rather than having it be one big thing."
- Grade 3 pilot teacher
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"Qridi Core makes the PYP more credible. Parents can 'hold onto it' better which they can often find difficult to do."
- Middle Leader, Austria
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"I value Qridi Core for what it allows us to do regarding more comprehensive planning. The helpful views for students to see where they are whenever they are assessed is something I am encouraging my colleague to use. For me, I noticed a big change in my French class using Qridi Core. This whole experience has helped me to focus on the ATL skills more. I’m really motivated to continue exploring how Qridi Core can support our teaching and learning practices."
-Nadine Boribon, PYP Coordinator & French Teacher, ASOY Cameroon
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"You're building something powerful!"
- Webinar attendee, August 2022
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
"This will change practice! It offers data visualization that will truly impact learning in the classroom."
- Literacy Consultant for International Schools
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
In the near future, educators' first choice to drive their inquiry-based learning environments will be Qridi Core. A self-explanatory digital learning platform that takes care of IB World Schools' learning and teaching needs beyond any teacher's dreams, Qridi Core is 'Making it Happen.' This tool will make a PYP coordinator's job as easy as ABC. Qridi Core is undoubtedly a platform par excellence, and I am particularly impressed with the attention to detail in designing such a comprehensive platform.
- Saira Bano, Founder, International Education Consultant
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
We have focused on our staff and student wellbeing and want to find ways to continue on this path. Qridi has offered an easy way to do our planning and projects so that the IB elements are visible in our every day life at school and at home. I can also follow teachers' and students' work easily as a PYP Coordinator, which has been very useful for example during the PYP Exhibition process.
- Heidi Tuomela, Class Teacher, PYP Coordinator, Oulu International School
Logo of Uinti Tampere, swimming team Tampere
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